王志坚在《四六法海》中评柳宗元《为武中丞谢赐樱桃表》曰:"摩诘退之皆有赐樱桃诗, 盖唐时有此制。"但他没有明确界定出"樱桃制"的内涵及其形成原因。"樱桃制"是指,在唐朝特定社会环境中,由于统治阶级喜好用樱桃来宴赐群臣,而在当时文坛上形成的帝王倡导、文士崇尚的以描写吟咏樱桃为主要内容的诗、赋等作品的风尚。这里的"制"不同于指帝王命令的"制"的古代文体,而是指诗文的一种体制,一种以吟咏樱桃为主要内容的作品样式。
Liu Zong- yuan, one of Chinese top writer and critic in Tang Dynasty had an article about Cherry Literature. Another Chinese famous critic in Ming Dynasty, Mr. Wang zhi - jian, made a comment about the article in his critic work Si Liu Fa Hai. He said Cherry Literature originated from early Tang Dynasty. But he neither gave us a distinct definition on Cherry Literature nor explained its appearance. In the article, I'll give my voice to Cherry literature. In Tang Dynasty, it s very popular for the gerentocratic to host cherry banquets for their guests. Affected by them, many writers were keen on making poems and articles on cherry. That' s why Cherry Literature with a characteristic form came into being.
Journal of Heilongjiang College of Education
the characteristic form of Cherry Literature, Tang Dynasty, poen