

Data processing system for APLC based on wavelet package transform
摘要 针对配电网电源侧电能综合调节系统(ActivePowerLineConditioner-APLC)的功能要求,基于小波理论设计了APLC的数据处理系统。针对实时补偿检测中存在的时延问题,提出了基于小波变换的递推式预测检测方法,利用该检测系统获取的补偿指令信号可有效地解决时延问题。另外,数据的分析中,针对电能质量采集数据频带宽、数据存储量大的特点,在应用小波包变化数据进行就地分析时对存储数据进行了有效压缩,节省了大量的存储空间。仿真结果证实了所设计系统的有效性和可行性。该研究为配电源侧电能质量的分析和调节提供了一种良好的检测手段。 Based on wavelet theory, a data processing system is designed to meet the demand of active power line conditioner(APLC) in the source side of the distribution system. The real-time property is one of the most important indices for the measurement link of APLC, and the issue of the time-delay caused by sampling and the signal processing is discussed. The recurrent predicted detection method is presented to eliminate the time-delay. Moreover, a wavelet packet transform based on data compression method is used for on-line power quality analyzing to reduce the memory demand. The simulation results with Matlab tools show that the proposed system is valid and feasible. The system provids a good detecting method for the analysis and dispatch of power quality at the source side of the distribution system.
出处 《继电器》 CSCD 北大核心 2005年第4期31-35,共5页 Relay
关键词 小波理论 检测 配电网 电能质量 wavelet theory detection distribution system power quality
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