
农村选民选举行为的结构特征 被引量:5

Voting Behavioral Structural Characteristics of Chinese Countryside Voters
摘要 以云南省两个县八个自然村的 2 62名选民为被试 ,采用心理测量原理与技术探讨了农村选民选举行为的结构特征。结果表明 ,政见取向由“政策效应”、“民生意识”、“村民权益”和“监督机制”4个因素构成 ,非政见取向由“候选人身份”、“候选人德能”、“选民社会关系”、“候选人背景”、“选民自我利益”、“选民自我权利”和“政党意见”7个因素构成。经检验 ,由此构成的农村选举行为问卷具有较高的内部一致性 ,问卷项目具有较高的区分度。文章讨论了农村选民选举行为的结构特征及其意义。 On basis of psychometric principles,this study aimed to explore the characteristics of voting behavioral structure with a sample of 262 rural participants from two counties of Yunnan Province,China.Factor analysis showed that political orientation consisted of four factors,i.e.,“effects of policy”,“sense of people's livelihood”,“benefits of the villagers” and “supervising mechanism”,and non political orientation consisted of seven factors,i.e., “candidate's identity”,“candidate's virtue”,“candidate's social relation”,“candidate's background”,“voter's benefits”,“voter's right”and “political opinion”.The questionnaire had higher reliability and discrimination of items testified by statistical examination.Such characteristics of voting behavioral structure and their meanings were discussed.
出处 《应用心理学》 CSSCI 2004年第4期3-7,共5页 Chinese Journal of Applied Psychology
基金 云南省哲学社会科学规划项目 (农村直接选举中选民选举行为的社会心理问题研究 ) 云南省政府 -浙江大学合作共建心理学重点学科资助项目(2 0 0 1 - 2 0 0 3)
关键词 农村选民 选举行为问卷 因素结构 rural electorate,Rural Voting Behavioral Questionnaire,factor structure
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