

Research on the Logically Valid and Logically Invalid Conditional Inferences in Discourse Comprehension
摘要 句法理论和心理模型理论是解释论述理解中逻辑有效 (如MP)与逻辑无效 (如AC)条件推理机制的两种不同观点。本研究通过两项实验旨在对这两种理论加以检测。实验要求被试阅读遵循MP或AC形式的故事后对故事结论的正确性做出判断。结果表明 ,在论述理解中 ,条件前提的语义联系强度影响MP推理 ;深思熟虑对MP和AC推理均产生影响。研究结果支持心理模型理论。 Syntactic theories and mental models theories were two different ways to understand processing mechanism of logically valid (MP) and logically invalid (AC) conditional inferences in discourse comprehension.Two experiments were used to test these predictions here.Participants were asked to read stories that conformed to either the MP or AC form in the experiments,and then they were asked to judge the conclusion of each story right or wrong.Results indicated that in the discourse semantic relation intensity of the conditional premises influences MP inference,and both MP and AC inferences were influenced by the deliberate process.The findings supported the mental models theories.
出处 《应用心理学》 CSSCI 2004年第4期17-21,共5页 Chinese Journal of Applied Psychology
关键词 条件推理 MP推理形式 AC推理形式 语义联系强度 深思熟虑 conditional inference,MP inference form,AC inference form,semantic association intensity,deliberate
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