对水下自航行平台 (AUV)制造过程中可能产生的主要制造误差进行了分析 ,针对水下自航行平台的两种主要制造误差—圆柱度和焊接质量 ,进行了结构有限元计算和强度性能分析。文章指出 :圆柱度误差在一定范围内既可满足性能要求又可降低加工难度和加工成本 ,但是圆柱度误差过大会降低平台结构强度 ;焊接质量对平台结构强度的影响很明显 。
There exists two main errors of AUV in the manufacturing: cylindrical error and welding error. Considering the two errors, two kinds of structure finite element models are built to compute the stress and displacement of the main cabin of the AUV . Based on the computation, the conclusion is got that in some extent, cylindrical error is right for manufacturing and structure strength, but too large cylindrical error will cause the AUV damaged; welding error will reduce the strength of the AUV largely, minor welding error is expected for the AUV strength .
Modular Machine Tool & Automatic Manufacturing Technique
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