目的 :探讨彩色多谱勒超声 (彩超 )在下肢静脉疾病中的诊断价值。方法 :本文通过彩色多谱勒超声对 4 6例下肢静脉病变的诊断 ,描述了正常下肢静脉血管 ,深静脉血栓 ,静脉瓣功能不全 ,静脉炎的声像图表现 ,对下肢静脉疾病的超声检查技术和体会进行了讨论。结果 :4 6例中完全性血栓 2 7例 ,部分性血栓 14例。其中 2 7例下肢股深静脉血栓 ,12例大隐静脉血栓 ,2例月国静脉血栓 ,5例静脉瓣功能不全静脉炎。结论 :彩超对下肢静脉疾病检查安全、迅速 ,可了解血管、血流状态和血管周围情况 ,解释原因不明的下肢肿胀 ,早期发现深静脉血栓 ,利于疾病的随访 ,对疾病的发生、发展。
Objective: To study diagnostic value of color Doppler Ultrasonic (CDU) examination in lower extremity venous diseases. Methods: The 46 patients with lower extremity venous disease were examined by CDU. Results: It was found that there were 27 cases to have the completely deep venous thrombosis. Of those, 12 cases had the great saphenous venous thrombosis, 2 cases femoropoplitea venous thrombosis and 5 cases lower extremity vein valve insufficiency, and 14 cases partial venous thrombosis. Conclusion: The CDU is a safe and rapid diagnoses method for lower extremity venous diseases.The change of hemodynamics and venous walls can be examined by CDU, all this supported why lower extremity be swelled. CDU has many advantage with understanding the development and therapy on lower extremity venous diseases.
Qinghai Medical Journal