
SOA注入电流及载流子寿命对UNI开关窗口的影响 被引量:1

Influences of Injection Current and Carrier Lifetime of SOA on Switching Window of UNI
摘要 对影响超快非线性干涉仪(UNI)开关窗口的半导体光放大器(SOA)的注入电流及载流子寿命进行了数值模拟实验研究。由于SOA的增益与其注入电流I成正比,与载流子寿命τc成反比。基于此分析了这两种因素对UNI开关窗口的影响,加大注入电流可以提高SOA的增益,使得UNI开关窗口的高度增加;减小载流子寿命使SOA的恢复速度加快,有利于开关窗口的形成。进行了10Gb/s的UNI全光开关实验,实验中用连续光代替数据脉冲以观察窗口形状,通过改变SOA注入电流进行验证。实验表明,在窗口形状不变的条件下,应选用尽量大的SOA注入电流,可使窗口高度增加,与模拟结构基本吻合。 The influences of the injection current and carrier lifetime of semiconductor optical amplifier(SOA) on the switching window of ultrafast nonlinear interferometer(UNI) were studied by proceeding simulation and experiment.The gain of SOA is directly proportional to the injection current and is inversely proportional to the carrier lifetime.The increase of the injection current can increase the gain of SOA and the height of switching window of UNI.The decrease of the carrier lifetime of SOA increases the speed of carrier recovery and is beneficial to the switching window.In our experiment of 10 Gb/s UNI,continuous light is used to replace the signal pulses in order to observe the switching window.When changing the injection current of SOA,the variations of switching window of UNI influenced by it could be verified.The result of experiment shows that the more value of injection current of SOA is good for the switching window of UNI on the condition that the shape of switching window of UNI is unchangeable.It could make the height of switching window increase.This result is same as the simulation.
出处 《光电子.激光》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2004年第12期1435-1439,共5页 Journal of Optoelectronics·Laser
基金 国家'863'计划资助项目(2001AA312220)
关键词 SOA 开关窗口 载流子寿命 UNI 注入电流 增益 半导体光放大器 影响 实验 吻合 optoelectronics ultrafast nonlinear interferometer(UNI) semiconductor optical amplifier(SOA) carrier lifetime switching window
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