
固溶处理冷却速度对1420合金性能的影响 被引量:1

Effect of the cooling rate during solid solution treatment on the properties of 1420 alloy
摘要 研究了固溶处理冷却速度对1420合金抗拉伸性能及抗蚀性能的影响.固溶处理采用4种不同的介质冷却,时效后在拉伸试验机上测试试样的强度和塑性,利用恒电位仪测试试样的阳极极化曲线,评价其抗电化学腐蚀的能力,利用电子显微镜分析合金的显微组织.研究表明:降低固溶冷却速度可提高合金的抗电化学腐蚀性能,合金基体中析出的δ′相数量减少,尺寸增大;固溶处理时采用油冷介质冷却可以获得最佳的拉伸性能. The influences of the cooling rate on the tensile and corrosion properties of 1420 alloy were studied. During the solid solution treatment process, four different mediums including room temperature water, quenching oil, moving air and stationary air in furnace were used to produce different cooling rate. After aging treatment, the tensile property was measured by tensile test. The corrosion properties of alloy measured by anodic polarization analysis were used to evaluate the electrochemical corrosion resistance. The effect of the cooling rate on the microstructure of 1420 alloy was investigated by TEM. The results showed that the electrochemical corrosion resistance of the treated alloy was improved by decreasing the cooling rate during solid-soluble-treatment. The size of δ' precipitate increased and the amount of it decreased with the cooling rate decrease. During the solid solution treatment process, the samples quenched in the oil medium could obtain the optimal tensile mechanical properties.
出处 《材料科学与工艺》 EI CAS CSCD 2004年第6期583-585,共3页 Materials Science and Technology
关键词 固溶处理 冷却速度 合金性能 拉伸性能 析出 电化学腐蚀 阳极极化曲线 恒电位 试样 电子显微镜分析 1420 alloy tensile property electrochemical corrosion solid solution treatment aging treatment
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