6Abel,Darrel.The Moral Picturesque: Studies in Hawthorne’s Fiction. . 1988
7Howe,Irving. Politics and the Novel . 1957
8Carnochan W. B. ,The Minister' s Black Veil, Nineteenth - Century Fiction 24,1969, pp. 185 - 187.
9Nathanial Hawthorne: Twice -Told Tales, The Minister's Black Veil, Introduction by Francis R. Gemme ,1837, p. 24, p. 27, p. 28, p. 32, Airmont Publishing Co. , Inc. , 1984.
10Richm'd Harter Foggle An Ambiguity of Sin or Sorrow, in New England Quarterly, 12, 1948, pp. 342 - 349.