目的探讨晕厥飞行员心血管功能障碍的发生机制和评价方法。方法采用头高斜位(HUT)结合心率变异性(HRV)分析对有空中晕厥史的30例男性飞行员(晕厥组)42例健康男性飞行员(对照组)进行了心率、血压和 HRV 指标对比分析。结果 HUT 前晕厥组平均 RR 间期(mRR),RR 间期标准差(SDNN)和相邻 RR 间期均方差(rMSSD)三项指标较对照组明显缩小(P<0.01);各项血压值在两组间无明显差异(P>0.05)。在 HUT 中 mRR、SDNN、高频(HF)、总功率谱(TPF)、短时 HRV 指标与收缩压(SBP)、舒张压(DBP)和平均动脉压(MBP)两组间差异有显著性(P<0.01)。结论 HUT 结合HRV 分析可做为一种有效方法和量化指标对晕厥飞行员的自主神经功能障碍做出诊断与评价。
Objective The purpose of this study was to explore pathogenetic rnechanism and evalu- ation methods of syncope during flying in pilots.Methods 30 male pilots with syncope(syncope group.S- group)and 42 healthy pilots(control group.C-group)were tested with head-up tilt(HUT)test combined with heart rate variability(HRV)analysis.heart rates,blood pressure(BP)and HRV were compared in two groups.Resalts Before HUT,mean RR interval(mRR),standard deviation of RR intervals(SDNN)and root mean sguare of successive RR interval(rMSSD)were significantly decreased in S-group than that in C-group(P<0.01 );but BP had no difference(P>0.05)in two groups.During HUT,SDNN,high fegueney(HF),total power spectrum(TPF),mRR,short time HRV,systolic BP(SPB),diastolic BP(DBP) and mean arterial pressure(MBP)had significant differeence(P<0.01).Conclusions HUT combined with HRV is a quantitative analysis method for diagnosing and evaluating autonomic nerve system dysfunc- tion in pilots with syncope during flying.
Chinese Journal of Cardiac Arrhythmias