3组清洁级KM鼠分别给予短、中、长三种不同的光照处理。10周后,采用放射免疫检测法(RIA),测定三组雄鼠血清中睾丸酮(Testosterone)和雌鼠血清中孕酮(Progesterone)含量。测定结果显示:长光照组雄鼠血清中睾丸酮含量显著高于其它两组(P< 0.05);而雌鼠血清中孕酮含量则是短光照组明显低于长光照组(P< 0.05)。【关键词】 光照周期; KM鼠;睾丸酮;
groups of clean KM mice were exposed to light for short, middle, long period respectively. After 10 weeks ,the content of testosterone of male and progesterone of female in serum were determined by RIA in each group. The results showed the content of testosterone in serum of male in long-period group was highter than that in the other two groups (P< 0.05); and that the content of progesterone in serum of female in the short-period group was lower compared with the long period group (P< 0.05).
Chinese Journal of Laboratory Animal Science