海北煤是桥电五期锅炉设计之外的煤种 ,由于市场供求关系的影响 ,1 999年度大批量引入海北煤 ,结果造成炉膛内大量结焦 ,严重威胁机组的安全运行 ,我厂为此成立专项攻关小组分析海北煤特性 ,采用按比例配烧的方式 ,消除了结焦隐患 ,提高了锅炉效率 ,圆满完成了合同任务 ,增强了锅炉对煤种的适应性 ,加强了企业的竞争力。
Based on supply and demand relation of the market,the boiler of Qiaotou the fifth phase began to use Haibei coal in 1999.But this affected great deal coking,in furnace wall,and badly threatened the unit's safety running. The plant set up special team to settle the problem. They analysed the characteristics of Haibei coal and adopted the mode of prorate burning, and this method removed coking and improved the efficiency of the boiler.Clearing up coking and improving the efficiency of boiler.
Qinghai Electric Power