计划经济和市场经济这两种模式在社会主义经济建设过程中先后出现不是人们主观意志的结果 ,不能任由人们作主观随意的选择 ,而是由历史发展的客观存在所决定的。社会主义实行计划经济是历史的必然 ,实行市场经济也是历史的必然。社会主义经济建设不能回避这两种经济模式。
The planned economy and the market economy appeared during our socialist economic construction successively,which isn't the result of people's subjective will and can't be chosen as people like.It is determined by the objective reality of developing history.Socialist country carrying out planned economy is an inexorable trend of history,so is that of carrying out market economy.It is a developing trend from planned economy to market economy.
Guangxi Teachers College Journal(Edition of Philosophy and Social Sciences)