什么是马克思主义 ,邓小平认为马克思主义首先是由它的基本原理构成的科学理论体系 ,同时它也是一种社会制度———共产主义制度 ,二者是辩证统一的。社会主义革命和社会主义建设实践产生了马克思主义科学理论体系 ,而这一理论体系的产生和被证实的过程又是共产主义社会形态的建立和发展的过程。实现二者统一的唯一途径 ,就是依据变化了的情况和条件 ,不断地把马克思主义基本原理和本国具体实际相结合 。
What is Maxism?Deng Xiao_ping believes that above all Maxism is a scientific theory composed of its basic principles.It is also regarded as a social system,that is,the Communism,both of which are of dialectical unity.The theoretical system of Maxism originates from socialits revolution and socialist construction.The course in which the system evolves and is being verified is in the meanwhile the course of social formation and development of the communism.The only way to bring them together is to combine Maxist principles consistently with the concrete situations of China according to variations and variant conditions.Unity of both is the escense of Maxism.
Guangxi Teachers College Journal(Edition of Philosophy and Social Sciences)