目的研究白细胞介素-1受体拮抗剂( IL-IRA)对大鼠角膜移植排斥反应的防治作用。方法建立大鼠穿透角膜移植排斥反应的动物模型,观察IL-IRA对大鼠角膜植片存活和排斥反应指数( RI)的影响,并与阴性对照组和环抱霉素 A(CsA)治疗组相比较。结果阴性对照组角膜植片平均存活时间为 12. 235天± 1. 674天,而 CsA治疗组为17.676天±1.528天,IL-1RA治疗组为19.250天±1.456天,均比阴性对照组显著延长(P<0.01);IL-1RA治疗组角膜植片新生血管指数明显低于对照组和CsA治疗组(P<0.01)。结论IL-1RA能抑制大鼠穿透角膜移植免疫排斥反应,显著地延长角膜植片的存活时间,并具有抑制角膜植片新生血管生长的作用。
Objective To study the efficacy of immunosuppressant IL-lRA on the rat model of penetrating keratoplasty. Methods Comeal transplantation were performed orthotopically from Lou rats to F344 rat rat' s recipients. Animals were randomly assigned to the following groups: 1. Control. 2. CsA (3mg/kg/2d, subconjunctival injection ). 3. IL-l RA (0. 5mg/kg/2d, subconjunctival injection). Treatment began at the l st day postoperatively and continued until the 14th day postoperatively. Mean survival times and rejection index were determined. Results The mean survival time of the control group was 12. 235 ± 1. 674 days, but the mean survival time for CsA and IL-l RA were 17. 676 ± 1. 528 days and 19. 250 ± 1. 456 days, respectively, which was statistically significant compared with the control group(P < 0. 01). Vascularization index in IL-RA group was markedly lower when compared with the control and CsA groups(P < 0. 01 ). Conclusion IL-lRA can markedly prolong the survival time of comeal allografts by inhibiting graft rejection, and prevent vascular growth of comeal allografts.
Chinese Ophthalmic Research