Objective To investigate a repair method for intractable exposure of hydroxyapatite implants. Methods At the upper edge of conjunctival defect,the conjunctival tissues were separated by scissors along the surface of exposed base plate of ocular prosthesis to make a conjunctival flap in the size as same as the exposed area. This procedure of separation was continued between the mUller muscle and lavator through the fornix till the upper edge of tarsal plate to form a flap consisting of conjunctiva, aponeurosis and müller muscle,which was transposed to cover the defect area. Results 5 patients with intractable exposure of hydroxyapatite implants treated with the above procedure, no case was found to be recurred in 5 to 6 months of follow-up. conclusion The transposition of conjunctiva-müller muscular nap is an effective method for the management of the intractable exposure of bydroxyapatite implants..
Chinese Ophthalmic Research