观察颈总动脉血管粥样斑块与该血管颅内供血区动脉血流速度变化的关系 ;方法 :颈部超声观察有粥样斑块者 ,用经颅多普勒超声观察该血管颅内供血区血流速度的变化 ;结果 :颈总动脉血管有粥样斑声者 ,颅内供血区动脉血管出现异常的机率增加 ,且两者有 70 %显示为高度相关。同时表明动脉内膜厚度改变较粥样斑块大小与血流速度异常相关明显 ;结论 :颈总动脉粥样斑块可明显影响该血管颅内供血区动脉血管的血液供应 。
The relationship between porridge hardened spot of common carotid artery with the speed of cranial blood flow in the supply region was observed using Ultrasonic and trans cranial Doppler.Conclusion:porridge hardened spot of common carotid artery can apparently influence the blood supply of artery blood vessel in the cranial blood supply region.
Shandong Journal of Biomedical Engineering