
雌激素替代治疗去卵巢大鼠血清一氧化氮含量的变化 被引量:4

The Establishment of Animal Model of Estrogen Replacement Therapy and the Change of its Serum Nitric Oxide Level
摘要 目的 建立雌激素替代治疗动物模型 ,观察其血清中一氧化氮 (NO)含量的变化。方法 取 40只雌性大鼠切除双侧卵巢 ,随机分成四组 :A组 :假手术组 ;B组 :单纯去卵巢组 ;C组 :去卵巢 +雌激素治疗组 (隔日肌注苯甲酸雌二醇 5 μg) ;D组 :去卵巢 +雌孕激素治疗组 (隔日肌注苯甲酸雌二醇 5 μg ,黄体酮 1mg) ,两月后检测血清中雌二醇 (E2 )、孕酮 (P)及NO2- NO3- 的含量。结果  (1)卵巢切除后血清E2 、P和NO2- NO3- 浓度显著降低 ;(2 )雌激素治疗组和雌孕激素治疗组血清E2 和NO2- NO3- 的含量及雌孕激素治疗组血清P的含量 ,略低于A组而显著高于去卵巢组。结论 所建立的动物模型可以模拟绝经及绝经后的小剂量雌激素替代治疗 ,动物模型体内雌激素浓度与具有抗衰老作用的NO浓度呈相互平行的变化关系 。 Objective To establish the animal model of estrogen replacement therapy and observe the change of serum nitric oxide (NO)level. Methods Forty female rats were randomly divided into four groups, group A:sham ovariectomy;group B:ovariectomy; group C:ovariectomy with estrogen renlacement therapy (benzoate estradiol, 5 μg im. q2d);group D:ovariectomy with estrogen and progesterone replacement therapy (benzoate estradiol, 5 μg, im. q2d and progesterone, 1mg,im.q2d).Two months later, the serum level of estradiol (E 2), progesterone(P) and NO were determined. Results (1) Significant decrease of serum level of E 2,P and NO were observed in ovariectomied rats comopared with control;(2)Significant increase of serum level of E 2 and NO in group C and group D and serum level of P in group D were observed compared with ovariectomied rats. Conclusion The rats model is able to reflect the state of menopause and estrogen replacement therapy. The change of NO level is according to the change of estradiol level in the serum of rats, suggestting that estrogen may delay the progression of aging mediated by NO.
出处 《中国实验动物学报》 CAS CSCD 2001年第3期186-188,共3页 Acta Laboratorium Animalis Scientia Sinica
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