中国通古斯语族民族的萨满教特点及其文化价值是本文探讨的主题。中国通古斯语族民族作为整个通古斯文化的一个分支 ,其精神信仰和宗教行为还保持着某些语族性的特点 ,主要表现在三个方面 ,其一 ,它保持了狩猎时代的信仰传统 ,而这个传统已经在世界上许多地方消失 ,因而弥足珍贵 ;其二 ,通古斯人的萨满教比较完整地展示了它的氏族性 ,从而证明了萨满教在起源和发展方面的重要特点 ,即社会组织和信仰组织的长期重合 ;其三 ,通古斯人的萨满教具有萨满文化核心区域的典型特征 ,它突显出研究中国通古斯语族民族萨满教的重要意义。
The paper mainly talks about the features of the Tungusic shamanism and its culture value.As a branch of the whole Tungusic culture,China's Tungus had its own national characteristics in spirit or religon:First,it kept the precious hunting cult tradition which had disappeared in many places in the world.Second,based on the blood relation ship,the shamanism had its own original and develoing features:The social organization had always been coincided with religions.Third,the shamanism of the Tunguses has its typical trait,so it is important to study it.
Manchu Studies