目的 评价两种弹簧圈在封堵动脉导管未闭(PDA) 中的疗效。方法 分别用Cook 可控弹簧圈及普通弹簧圈经导管法封堵治疗PDA 共18 例。结果 Cook 可控弹簧圈一次性封堵成功11 例,二次封堵成功2 例;普通弹簧圈一次性成功2 例,3 例封堵失败,其中2 例弹簧圈移位后行PDA 结扎术。结论 Cook 可控弹簧圈封堵PDA,避免了无传递装置易致弹簧圈移位和脱落的缺点,对较小的PDA是一种安全、有效、方便的非开胸手术方法。
Objective To compare the effects of two different types of coil on patent ductus arteriosus (PDA) closure.Methods The detachable coil was used in 13 PDA cases and the gianturco coil was used in 5 cases as control. The transcatheter was performed in all the 18 cases.Results PDA was successfully closed in all cases who used the detachable coil (11 with one coil and 2 with a second coil), while success was obtained in 2 cases who used the gianturco coil. Conclusions The percutaneous transcatheter detachable coil for small PDA clousre is safer, more effective, easier to handle and less invasive.
Chinese Journal of Contemporary Pediatrics