目的 了解桂林市儿童Ⅰ型糖尿病(IDDM) 发病情况。方法 按照WHO 儿童糖尿病多国计划( WHO DIAMOND计划)登记方法,采用捕获—再捕获方法,共调查1 672 257 名儿童。结果 1989 年~1998 年间15 岁以下儿童发病率男性为0.58/10 万,女性0 .62/10 万,总发病率为0.60/10 万。结论 桂林市IDDM 发病率与WHODIAMOND 计划获得的多国发病率情况相一致,与东方及中国其它地区的情况也相近。
Objective To study the condition of onset of child insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (IDDM)in Guilin. Methods According to the register method of the WHO DIAMOND plan, the survey was conducted with the capture and recapture method in 1 672 257 children. Results The morbidities in children under 15 years in 1989~1998 were 0.58/100 000 (male) and 0.62/100 000 (female). The total morbidity was 0.6/100 000. Conclusions The morbidity of IDDM in children in Guilin is consistent with the multinational morbidity obtained by the WHO DIAMOND plan and is similar to that in the Orrient and other regions in China.
Chinese Journal of Contemporary Pediatrics
WHO 儿童糖尿病多国计划资助