本文记述中美两国农业部合作研究项目(柽柳生物防治研究)中采自我国西北部以及前苏联土库曼地区柽柳上的叶蝉科昆虫,初步鉴定有24 种,隶属于7 亚科、13 属,其中含4 中国新记录属(环茎叶蝉属 Circulifer Zachvatkin,大片叶蝉属 Meg alopsius Em eljanov,点纹叶蝉属 Op sius Fieber 和柽柳叶蝉属 Tam aricella Zachvatkin)、6 中国新记录种〔点翅短头叶蝉 Batrachom orphus irroratus Lew is,菲氏二叉叶蝉 M acrostelesfieberi ( Edw ards ),米氏二室叶蝉 Balclutha m itjaevi Dlabola,离茎点纹叶蝉 Op siusd istantiatus Dlabola,异点纹叶蝉 O.dissim ilis Vilbaste 和并茎点纹叶蝉 O.tigrip es ( Lethierry )〕。
Studies on biological control of Tamarisk” is one of the cooperative projects between the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Ministry of Agriculture, People′s Republic of China and the Agricultural Research Service, Department of Agriculture, United States. Total number of 362 leafhoppers on Tamarisk were collected in North western China and Turkmenistan of USSR in 1992-1994. There are 24 species of Cicadellidae, belonging to 7 subfamilies, 13 genera. Among them 4 genera ( Circulifer Zachvatkin, Megalopsius Emeljanov, Opsius Fieber and Tamaricella Zachvatkin) and 6 species 〔 Batrachomorphus irroratus Lewis, Macrosteles fieberi (Edwards ), Balclutha mitjaevi Dlabola, Opsius distantiatus Dlabola, O.dissimilis Vilbaste and O.tigripes (Lethierry )〕 are recorded for the first time from China.
Entomological Journal of East China