目的 对职业供血员进行TTV检测。方法 于TTV基因组保守区设计一套检测引物,用套式聚合酶链反应检测TTV DNA。结果 111例普通人群对照检出14例(13%)TTV DNA阳性,221例职业供血员检出45例(20%)TTV DNA阳性。结论 在我国的普通人群和职业供血员中较高的TTV流行率。
Objective To investigate the frequency of TTV viraemia in remunerated blood donors. MethodsWe detected TTV by nested - PCR using primers from a conserved region in the TTV genome. Results TTV DNA was detected in 14(13% )of 111 general population controls and 45(20% )of 221 remunerated blood donors.Conclusion The prevalence of TTV DNA in the general population and remunerated blood donors was high in China.
Journal of Clinical Transfusion and Laboratory Medicine