We studied ANN concentration of oyster sauce and oyster extract in 55 random samples from 7 food factories in Shenzhen in 1995. The results showed that the ANN content in oyster extract was 0. 61-1. 5% and the mean value was 0. 88%. According to the prescriptions privided by the factories, the highest value of the oyster extract content was 15% in oyster sauce, the expected ANN content in oyster sauce should be 0. 1-0. 18% and the mean value 0. 13%, which was lower than the national standard in oyster sauce, 0. 3%. ANN content in oyster sauce was 0. 11-0. 72%and the mean was 0. 38%, and only 6 samples below the national standard. The findings demonstrated manufacturers used some nitrogenous material instead of the oyster extract. We suggest that ANN content of oyster extract concentrarion should be controled in boiling oyster extract process in order to maintain up to 1. 0%. The oyster extract content in the oyster sauce≥30%, so as to ensure the nutritional ingradient and the special flavour of oyster sauce.
Guangdong Journal of Health and Epidemic Prevention