Three Gorges Project is great in flood control, power generation and navigation. The dam site is located in the last part of upper reaches of main Yangtze River,where population is dense and economic is relatively developed in our country. Therefore,more thorough and careful preparatory work for project construction is required, gains and losses are fully considered in every aspact to objectively reflect economic benifits of the project. Follow the policy of migration for development ,reasonable compensation for reservoir innundation loss and settlement of migration should be well accomplished without future trouble. Because flood disaster occurs in the upper reach of Yangtze River every year,compensation for innundation loss due to flooding in upper reach during reservoir flood regulation should be consicered in the project design. The implement of distribution of economic benefit from payable usage of water resources stipulated in 'Water Law' needs further discussion.
Sichuan Hydropower
Three Gorges Project ,preparatory work, water resources, payable usage ,reservoir flood regula-tion ,flood disaster ,compensation.