It is very rare that cell-hase uite of life wasstudied in civie.Wistar adult rats, male 250~300gwereused in the experiment and the improved palmer's method was adopted to isolate myocytes. isolated myoeytes were divided randomly into 6 groups, nomally control (N) . ischemia 20 min (I20') , ischemia 20 min/reperfution 10min (I 20'R10') , ischemia 40 min (I40') , ischemia 40min/reperfusion 10 min (I40'R10') . and ischemiaprecondionig. We detected the contents of adenylicacid (ATP, ADP, AMP) by using High-performance Liguidchromtograph. The results showed that the level of ATP of myocytesdecrease gradually with the prolongation of hypoxia. Inan early stage of ischemia/reperf usion (I20'/R10') . thecontents of ATP was increased, but ito bviouslydoecreases at a later stage (I40'R10') . The content ofATP in Preconditiong group (I40'R10') were obviouslyincreased compared with one of untreated. The results suggest that the injury is reAersibledurng the perid of ischemia 20 min/re-pferusion 10 min, the irrerversible are comes aboutthe 10 minreoxyention following 40 min hypoxia, the seriousreperfusion injury. The protective effect of preconditioniing on myocardium.
Journal of Mudanjiang Medical University