经济全球化是我们这个时代最重要的特征之一。在经济全球过程中新自由主义思潮起了推波助澜的作用 ,新自由主义是作为古典经济自由主义的现代变种和凯恩斯主义国家干预的对立面而产生的 ,新自由主义主张削弱国家主权。然而自由主义思潮关于削弱国家主权的思想在经济全球化进程中的负面作用也显示了出来。世界经济的发展勾勒出越来越不公正和混乱的世界未来的前景。而作为这一时期占统治地位的新自由主义随之陷入危机。
Economic globalization is one of the most important features in our era. In the process of economic globalization, the new liberalism trend of thought played a very important role. The new liberalism is the modern variation of the classic economic liberalism and appears as the opposite of the country interference of KENS theory. It asserts the weakening of a country's sovereignty. The negative effect of the new liberalism's weakening of a country's sovereignty has also produced in the economic globalization. The world's more and more inequity and chaos prospects have been delineated in the development of the world economy. The new liberalism prevailing in this time also falls in a passive position.
Journal of Wuhan Polytechnic