对存单纠纷案件中金融机构的举证责任进行研究。在一般存单纠纷案件中 ,对将证明存款关系是否成立的举证责任分配给金融机构的合理性进行论证 ,并对审判实践中金融机构承担的具体举证责任进行分析 ;在以存单为表现形式的借贷纠纷中 ,对金融机构免除或减轻自身民事责任所提供的证据种类及证明力进行分析。
It is suggested that the financial institutions should take the duty t o testify the existence of deposit relationship in a common case on CD dispute b y studying financial institution's evidential burden along with the concrete dut ies in trial. In a loan dispute taking CD as manifestation, the type and effect of evidence that supplied by a financial institution to exempt or lighte n his blame are analyzed.
Hebei Law Science