公民法治意识的培养与提高是关系到依法治国成败的关键因素。法治意识的培养与提高是一项艰苦的系统工程 ,决非一夕之功。只有从法律制度自身的完善入手 ,在政治生活和经济生活中坚持贯彻依法办事的原则 ,加强普法工作的力度 ,不断改善法治意识成长的社会环境 ,才能为健康的法治意识的培养提供条件。
As a key to administering country by law, cultivating and improving citizens' 'rule of law' consciousness is an arduous thing rather than the easy. Only beginning with perfecting legal system, carrying out the principles of handling business by law in politics and economy, strengthening work in universal legal knowledge, improving continuously the social environments of growing-up 'rule of law' consciousness, providing conditions for healthy 'rule of law' consciousness.
Hebei Law Science