高校是先进生产力的策源地 ,是先进文化的生产者和辐射源 ,与中国最广大人民群众的利益息息相关 ,贯彻“三个代表”思想对高校党建工作提出了全新、更高的要求。新时期高校党的建设要按照“三个代表”的要求 ,加强思想建设 ,坚定不移地用马列主义、毛泽东思想和邓小平理论武装全体党员、干部 ;坚持和健全民主集中制 ,搞好领导班子建设 ;加强基层党组织和党员队伍建设 ,增强党的创造力、凝聚力和战斗力 ;深化干部人事制度改革 ,加强干部队伍建设 ;从严治党 ,加强党风廉政建设。
The colleges and universities, source of advanced p ro ductive force, producer and radiant of advanced culture, are closely connected w ith the interest of broad masses of the people. Carrying out 'three Representat ives' thought in colleges and universities calls for brand new and higher requi rements. According to 'three Representatives', the Party in colleges and unive rsities in the new ti nes should be built by following these mles, 1.strengthening the ideological bui lding,2. arming all the Party members and cadres with Marxism-Leninism, Mao Zedo ng Thought and Deng Xiaoping's Theory persistently, 3.persisting in and perfecti ng the democratic centralism and build up efficient leading group, 4.enhancing t he building of the Party organization at the basic level and the Party members a nd strengthing the Party's creaticity, cohensiveness and working capacity, 5.dee pening the reforming of the personnel system of cadres and strengthening the bui lding of cadre group; 6.running the Party with strict discipline and enhancing t he building of Party's style and the establishment of a clean government.
Journal of Qujing Normal University
云南省哲学社会科学十五规划课题"‘三个代表’重要思想在高校党建工作中的系统实践研究"( 0 132 70 1)
three Representatives'
college and university
Pa rty building