滇人是居住在今云南省境内的一个古老民族 ,其活动的滇池一带在历史上经济、文化等方面较周边地区更为发达 ,在中原文化的影响下 ,较早地完成了封建化过程。本文认为滇人在两汉时期尚处于奴隶社会 ,但已开始传入封建制因素 ,至东汉时期完成封建化过程。
The Dian people were an old ethnos in Yunnan province. The places around the Dianchi Lake, where the Dian people lived, was the most developed area in economy and culture in the history time, comparativing with other area around, and have completed the progress of feudalization under the affects of Middle Land culture. The author in this article holds that the Dian people were in slave society in epoch of Han Dynasty, and progress of feudalization has finished in East-Han times.
China's Borderland History and Geography Studies