布什执政一年来,美国对外政策出现两次变化。第一次以白宫易主为标志。2001年年初上台的布什政府在处理国际事务方面大力“发扬”共和党的“现实主义” 外交传统,一味强调实力地位和本国利益,大幅调整了克林顿的对外政策,对国际关系,尤其是对中美关系产生消极影响。第二次发生在“9·11” 恐怖袭击事件后,美国受到强烈震撼,意识到自1812-1814年第二次反英战争后,近200年未直接遭受攻击的美洲大陆本土不再是安全的港湾。在恐怖主义上升为头号威胁的情况下,美调整对外政策,开始加强与国际社会的合作。这不仅对国际关系产生一定积极影响,也为改善中美关系提供了契机。
The US foreign policy has undergone changes twice since the Bush administration came to power. The first time when the US changed its foreign policy was marked by the change of power at the White House. The newly established Bush administration developed the Republican's tradition of foreign policy of 'Realism' by emphasizing power and US interests and by adjusting the foreign policy and approaches to international relations pursued by President Clinton, bringing about negative impact to the relationship between China and the US. The second time when the US foreign policy changed was after the terrorist attacks of September 11. The US was greatly shocked by the attacks and came to realize that its homeland, which had not been directly attacked for around 200 years since the 2nd antia2British war in 1812-1814 was no longer the safe haven for security. Under the circumstance where terrorism has become the top threat for Americans, the US changed its foreign policy and started to strengthen cooperation with the international community. This change has not only brought about positive impact to the international relations, but also created opportunities to the improvement of Sino-US relations.
International Studies