河姆渡文化中的“双鸟负日”图案是河姆渡氏族集团的复合图腾。发展到良渚文化 ,“双鸟负日”的“日”已被神话为阳鸟———太阳神 ,与祖先神相统一 ;良渚文化中的神徽就是双鸟共负太阳神的复合图腾 ,也是“三皇”之“皇”的初文。大汶口文化即少昊氏文化 ,其太阳崇拜与良渚文化关系密切。大汶口文化的族徽“”就是“飞鸟负日”的复合图腾 ;少昊氏的昊之繁体“”从日从皋 ,皋为“王鸠”之类的鸷鸟 ,正好与“”的含义相同 ,说明少昊就是太阳神 ,其神形是黑色的鹰 ,凌家滩玉鹰正是少昊之神形。
The picture of two birds carrying the sun on their backs in the Hemudu culture was a compound totem of the Hedumu clan groups. In the later Liangzhu culture the sun in this picture was deified as the sun bird the sun god, who was identified with the ancestral god. The sign of god in the Liangzhu culture was the compound totem of two birds carrying the god of the sun on their backs. It also served as the initial form of the word huang (皇). In the Dawenkou culture, that is, the Shaohaoshi culture, the worship of god was closely related to the Liangzhu culture. The clan insignia in the Dawenkou was the compound totem of a flying bird carrying the sun on its back. The primitive astronomy and calendar and primitive Eight Trigrams all develop from the worship of the sun.
Historical Research