
近代法国医生的社会经济特征 被引量:2

The Social and Economic Characteristics ofthe Doctors in Modern France
摘要 The rise of the middle class was an important phenomenon in modern developed capitalist countries and the characteristics of the middle class of France was most unique. As an integral part of the middle class in modern France, the group of doctors was characterized by three aspects on the whole. Firstly,most of the French doctors had quite high income and their life style was much bourgeoisified. Secondly, the doctors played an important role in the political life of modern France. Thirdly, most of the French doctors tended to indulged themselves in amateur activities and their professional morality was quite deficient. The group of the French doctors which bore these characteristics has been considered as an epitome of the whole middle class in modern France. The rise of the middle class was an important phenomenon in modern developed capitalist countries and the characteristics of the middle class of France was most unique. As an integral part of the middle class in modern France, the group of doctors was characterized by three aspects on the whole. Firstly,most of the French doctors had quite high income and their life style was much bourgeoisified. Secondly, the doctors played an important role in the political life of modern France. Thirdly, most of the French doctors tended to indulged themselves in amateur activities and their professional morality was quite deficient. The group of the French doctors which bore these characteristics has been considered as an epitome of the whole middle class in modern France.
作者 张庆海
出处 《世界历史》 CSSCI 北大核心 2002年第2期41-47,共7页 World History
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