李白的《庐山遥寄卢侍御虚舟》是一首描绘庐山的佳作,诗中的“银河倒挂三石梁” 句被认为描写的是庐山“三叠泉”瀑布。笔者结合文献、古人诗文并与该诗的内容相对照,对其重新考辨,认为李白并没有见过三叠泉瀑布,他所描写的应当是庐山“石门涧”瀑布。
The poem song of 'Mount lu To Censor Lu Xuzhou' by Li Bai is considered one of the best poetry concerning the description of scenery of Mount lu. A famous verse of the poem 'A waterfall is hanging down form three stone beams' give the description of Three-step waterfall. But I don't think that Li Bai had the chance to visit Three-step waterfall. The waterfall he mentioned in his poem is nothing but the 'Waterfall Stone Gate Stream' . Consulting a number of relevant books and essays written by ancient Chinese poets and doing textual research of them, I have reached such a conclusion.
Journal of Dandong Teachers College