随着英国对印度统治的实现 ,西方的宗教观及其哲学、政治、社会与伦理思想也渗透、传播到了印度社会。主要在民族独立动机的驱使下 ,印度近代发生了一场重要的宗教改革运动。这一运动诉诸西方的理性、人道、自由、平等和入世进取的思想 ,同时汲取印度古代宗教的思想遗产 ,致力于革新本国宗教传统中的不理性、非人道和消极玄虚的因素 ,表现出了一种较明显的世俗主义取向 ,并对印度的社会风尚和生活方式产生了重要的引导作用。
With the realization of British colonial rule over India, western religious concepts, philosophy , politics, social and ethic thoughts have also gradually penetrated into India. A religious reforms movement took place in India contemporary history as a result of national self-enhancing and independence motivation. This movement has first of all stressed the rational thoughts of humanity, freedom and equality for the purposes of innovating the irrationality, non- humanity and negative factors existed in domestic religions. At the same time, it absorbs the thinking heritage of ancient Indian religion with a very obvious trend of secularism which played a guiding role in social ethics as well as people's way of life.
South Asian Studies Quarterly