新中国政府成立伊始 ,就与苏联签订了《中苏友好同盟互助条约》。毛泽东、周恩来都曾高度评价这次谈判 ,并充分肯定这一条约。但随着斯大林去世 ,毛泽东开始在不同场合尖锐批评有关东北和新疆问题的补充协定 ,以及有关成立 4个合营公司的协定 ,并且对斯大林的态度表示不满。从革命到执政地位的改变 ,不能不影响其民族情感和对国家利益的认识发生相应变化 ,加上国内舆论和民众情绪的影响 ,是促成中共领导人对谈判部分结果重新审视 ,渐至发生疑义的重要原因。
Soon after the founding of New China the Chinese government signed a Treaty of Friendship, Alliance and Mutual Assistance between the Peoples Republic of China and the USSR. Both Mao Zedong and Zhou Enlai highly praised the negotiations and fully approved the treaty. However, after Stalins death Mao began to incisively criticize the additional agreements on Northeast China and Xinjiang and the agreement on the “four joint corporations;” he showed strong disapproval of Stalin for his attitude towards these issues. The change in the CPC leaders position from fighting for the victory of the revolution to wielding state power inevitably influenced their national sentiments and their understanding of national interests. Together with domestic opinion and public feeling, this prompted them re examine the results of the negotiations, leading them to doubt the sincerity of the Soviet leaders.
Historical Research