文章依据元代畏兀儿文文书及汉文史籍探索元朝政府治理畏兀儿地区的措施 ,考述其在畏兀儿地区的行政建设以及亦都护地方政权的性质与职掌。认为蒙元政府对其所统辖的畏兀儿社会的间接军事行政统治 。
Relying on the Yuan Dynasty's documents written in Ouighour writing and the historical records in Han (Chinese) scripts, this article probes into the administrative measures adopted by the Yuan Dynasty's government in the region inhabited by the Ouighour people, makes a textual study of the administrative construction and the character as well as charges of the local regime headed by Yi-du-hu (the head of the Ouighoures and the supreme local administrator). The artcle holds that the Mongol Yuan Dynasty's indirect military and administrative rule was realized through the combination of practising the Mongolian systems from the higher levels to the lower levels with adopting the local systems from the lower levels to the higher levels in an intercrossed and mutually penetrating way.
China's Borderland History and Geography Studies