汉初开国皇帝刘邦惩戒亡秦孤立之败,综周秦之分封与郡县为一体,在地方上推行郡县、封国并行的行政体制,制定了一系列对封国控放适度的政策,使封国在维护国家政 权、促进经济恢复、发展中发挥了屏藩枝辅的作用。吴楚七国之乱平定后,景、武及后世诸 帝不断削弱封国,强大郡县,使汉初郡国并行制演变为单一的郡县制,汉政权因此失去了地 方藩护力量。因而,导致了王氏外戚篡权。
Taking lessons from the fall of the Qin dynasty and referring to the system of enfeoffment in the Zhou dynasty and the system of the Commanderies and Counties in the Qin dynasty,Liu Bang, the first emperor of the Han regime,put int o effect an new administrative system which allowed the Princedoms and the Commanderies and Counties functioning simultaneously in local governance, and furthermore adopted a series of policies to hold properly the Fiefs.Those Fiefs had play ed key protective and supportive role in the stability of the Empire and its economic development.Subsequent to the failure of the Seven Princedoms Rebellion,th e Emperors Jing,Wu and successors consistently took mersures to reduce and weaken the Princedoms and strengthen the Commanderies and Counties, eventually,the system of the co-existence of the Princedoms and the Commanderies and Counties evo lved to a single system of the Commanderies and Counties.Hence,the Han House lost its protective and supportive local powers.And for this reason the Han state was usurped by the Wang consort-family.
Journal of Historical Science
Qin dynasty
Western Han
the administrative system of Commanderies and counties
the system of the co-existence of Fiefs and Commanderies