冷战结束后 ,民族问题成为国际政治生活中最为引人注目的现象之一。此起彼伏的民族主义浪潮席卷全球,对世界格局的转换和国际关系的重组产生了巨大的冲击和深远的影响。1999年爆发的科索沃战争和持续至今的车臣冲突又将世界民族问题推向一个新的波峰。显而易见 ,在人类即将跨入新世纪的今天 ,民族问题非但未见缓解 ,反而呈现愈益严重的发展势头。民族问题已成为新世纪各国、各地区乃至全球面临的一个不可回避的现实难题和严峻挑战。
Since the end of the Cold War, the ethnic issue has become one of the most striking phenomena in international politics. Nationalist surges have swept the whole world, bringing far-reaching impacts upon the shifting of the world power structure and restructuring of international relations. The Kosovo war and the Chechen conflict in 1999 have escalated the international ethnic issue to a new level. Obviously, when the mankind ushers in the new century, the ethnic issue has not relaxed, but the momentum of ever-worsening has emerged. The ethnic issue has become an unavoidable actual problem and a severe challenge all countries and regions will face in the new century.
International Studies