高校学报的装帧设计经历了一个由简到繁 ,从粗疏到逐步完善的发展过程。高校学报的装帧设计囊括了学报除文章本身之外的全部外在形式。重视学报的装帧设计是因为它对学报整体质量的提高 ,有着十分重要的意义。它可以更好地促进学术文化交流 ,更好地发挥学报的社会功能 ,全面提高学报的文献计量和评估水平 ,促进文献在网络化数字化环境下的快速交流和传播。搞好学报的装帧设计要努力抓好四方面的工作。第一 ,要高度重视封面设计 ;第二 ,要体现美学原则 ;第三 ,要注重整体性 ;第四 。
The designs and binding of college journals have developed from simplicity to variety,from roughness to perfection They include all outer forms of the journals except articles Great attention should be paid to them,for they can improve the whole quality of the journals It can promote exchanges of academy and culture,bring the social functions of college journals into full play,improve measures and evaluation of documents greatly In order to gain good designs and binding,the following things should be stressed:firstly,the principle of aesthetics should be followed;thirdly,the wholeness should be stressed when designing and binding;fourthly,the principle of standardization should be followed
Journal of Chengde Teachers College for Nationalities