中学语文教材中包含有丰富的美育材料。在教学中应从如下几方面进行审美教育 :指导学生“美读” ,体现美育的直觉性 ;引导学生“遵路” ,突出美育的形象性 ;带领学生“体验” ,抓住美育的情感性 ;
Aesthetic education in Chinese teaching of middle school includes the beauty of environment:the beauty of life;the beauty of art;the beauty of philosophy and theory,etc.In Chinese teaching of middle school,we teach the middle school students to enjoy the beauty of the articles,mainly as follows:1)We should teach the students how to choose good and nice articles in order to make themseles feel beautiful practically.2)We should teach the students the way of enjoying the beauty of the articles to make beantiful education here a good figure.3)We should bring the students in feeling and examining the beauty of the articles in order to under_stand the emotion of the writer.4)We should insprse the students to write more ard more nice articles.
Journal of Guangdong Education Institute