对蚌埠市场上常用的 2 8种蔬菜中的硝酸盐含量进行了测定。结果显示 :其硝酸盐含量范围在 2 2 .3~ 3 0 63 .1mg/kg ,其中有 10种蔬菜的硝酸盐污染程度较轻 (1级 ) ,有 18种蔬菜 (占 64 % )硝酸盐含量超过联合国FAO和WHO规定的标准。不同种类蔬菜的硝酸盐含量有较大差异 :白菜类、根菜类、绿叶菜类较高 ,而茄果类、瓜类较低。小芹菜、小白菜、甘蓝、白萝卜、西兰花、菠菜中的硝酸盐含量严重高于食用标准。同一株蔬菜不同部位的硝酸盐含量也有较大差异 ,茎 (叶柄 )的硝酸盐含量显著大于叶片。与全国其他 18个城市比较 ,蚌埠市蔬菜硝酸盐污染程度居于较高水平。
The content of accumulated nitrate in 28 kinds vegetables,among which 23 kinds of vegetables were very common in Bengbu,was measured in 2004. The results showed that the content of nitrate varied from 22.3 mg/kg to 3063.1mg/kg.More than 18 kinds of vegetables(64% of total) were polluted by nitrate(2~4grade).The content of nitrate in different vegetables changed as follows:the content in Chinese cabbage, root vegetable and leaf vegetable were above average level;in egg plants,lower and in celery,pakchoi, cabbage, white radish, Xilanhua and spinach,too higher.
Journal of Anhui Agricultural Sciences