目的 分析山西省居民健康水平。方法 利用山西省第 5次人口普查年龄、性别死亡人口数据 ,通过计算婴儿死亡率、粗死亡率、年龄组死亡率、平均寿命、生命素质指数等指标 ,对山西省居民健康水平进行分析。结果 山西省居民粗死亡率 5 79‰ ,男性高于女性。性别、年龄组死亡率绝大部分年龄组均为乡村高于镇、镇高于城市。婴儿死亡率为 19 0 0‰ ,其中城市男婴高于女婴 ,乡镇女婴高于男婴。居民平均寿命为 72 70岁 ,城市比镇高 2 4 5岁 ,比乡村高 5 5 0岁。生命素质指数平均 88 12 ,城市居民 92 4 1,镇居民 90 15 ,乡村居民86 37。结论 山西省城镇与乡村居民健康状况差异较大 ,今后应加大农村疾病防治工作和医疗卫生保健工作的力度。
Objective To analyze the health status of the residents in Shanxi.Methods This study was based on the data from the 5th census of Shanxi.The health assessment was made by using the infant mortality rate,crude death rate,age-group death rate,life expectancy and physical quality of life index (PQLI).Results The mortality was 5.79‰;the male residents had a higher mortality than the female.The mortality by sex and age of villagers was higher than that of towners,and that of towners was higher than that of city dwellers.The infant mortality rate was 19.00‰.The male infant of cities had higher mortality than the female,but the female infant of towns and villages had higher mortality than the male.The mean life was 72.70.City dwellers lived 2.45 years more than the towners,or 5.50 years more than the villagers.The mean PQLI was 88.12,that of cities was 92.41,that of towns was 90.15,and of villages was 86.37.Conclusion Health status of cities and towns was greatly different from that of villages.There must be a great effort to do well the prevention and cure of rural diseases and the villagers′ health care.
Shanxi Medical Journal
山西省自然科学基金资助项目 (2 0 0 4 110 6 )
山西省高校科技研究开发项目 (2 0 0 345 )