The effects of amiodarone and/or tocainide in the treatment of the premature con traction of lown Ⅱ-Ⅴ were investigated in 159 cases with 189 total times treatment. the results showed as follows: (1) group A (tocainide group) : 50 patients recieving 61 times treatment entirely, the total effective rate was 76% ; group B (amiodarone group): 71 patients with 79 times treatment wholely, the total effective rate was 87. 3% ; group C (combination of tocainide with amiodarone) : included 38 patients, having 49times treatment totally, the total effective rate was 95. 9%. Compared with results among the three groups there was statistically significance (P<0. 05). (2) The average re treving time (5. 2days) of group C was shorter than those of group A (5. 8 days) and group B (8. 3 days). The retreving time of group B was remarkably longer than the other two groups. (3) The re sult of group C showed no significant difference for the conduction and cardiac rhythm. (4) The incidence of QT prolongation in group C was lower than that of group A and group B (P<0. 05). It is considered that the arrhythmia of entricular premature contraction above lown Ⅱ can apply tocainide and/or amiodarone. The effect of the treatment in the group C can be increased while the adverse of fects decreased.
Journal of Taishan Medical College