
太行山石灰岩山地水土保持型生态农业试验研究 被引量:7

Ecological Agriculture Based on Soil and Water Conservation in Limestone Region of Taihang Mountain
摘要 在对白庄小流域自然资源和社会经济现状进行调查的基础上,利用VisualBasic6.0语言编制和建立了小流域综合治理决策支持系统,并制定了白庄小流域的治理规划。根据治理开发规划,在太行山石灰岩山区建立了"顶梁截蓄、沟坡拦蓄、坡脚存蓄、蓄满疏排","三蓄一排"的完整的工程防护体系;围绕建立水土保持型生态农业这一目标,开展了优化种植、果林生态、品种嫁接等方面的试验研究工作。通过对白庄村畜牧业现状及内部生态系统循环机制的综合分析和评价,找到了畜牧业发展的症结。决定流域内发展牲畜数量的2个因素:一是市场需要;二是流域内部植物的饲料转化量。针对太行山石灰岩山区生态农业建设的现状,提出了小流域在不同发展时期畜牧养殖业"以饲料量定牲畜,以市场定发展"的建设模式。 A decision-making support system for integrated watershed management was developed using Visual Basic 6.0 language. The support system was developed on the basis of an investigation of current physical and socio-economic conditions in Baizhuang watershed. A treatment and development plan was developed as well. According to the treatment & development plan, which were developed for the Taihang limestone mountain area, a engineering shield system was built, which comprises measures to capture hilltop runoff, prevent slope runoff, store runoff on the footslope and drain runoff when field capacity is exceeded. The goal was to establish optimal ecological agriculture for soil and water conservation conditions. Tests and research were carried out to determine optimal planting structures and to determine possible improvements in local ecology using fruit trees and grafting of new varieties. After analysis and evaluation of the current state of animal husbandry and feedback relationships with the local ecological system of Baizhuang Village in Taihang Mountain, the key problem for animal husbandry was identified- degradation and damage of pasture due to lack of overall planning, effective monitoring, as well as effective management. Two main factors determining the numbers of animals in the watershed were identified. These were the market demand for animal products within and outside the watershed and the primary productivity of fodder plants in the catchment. Based on the current state of ecological agriculture, a development model is proposed incorporating the various stages of animal husbandry development in the small watershed. The model is based on the principles that the intensity of animal husbandry should reflect fodder productivity and development should be market driven.
作者 陈建卓
出处 《水土保持通报》 CSCD 北大核心 2005年第1期82-87,共6页 Bulletin of Soil and Water Conservation
关键词 石灰岩山地 小流域 水土保持 太行山 山石 生态农业 果林 内部 循环机制 发展 Taihang Mountain limestone mountainous region soil and water conservation ecological agriculture
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