介绍了TH 1型脱氢催化剂的研制及工业应用情况。结果表明,TH 1型催化剂能有效地脱除尿素合成用CO2中的H2,彻底消除了尿素合成含氢尾气爆炸的隐患。该催化剂在工厂已运行14个月,在进口温度只有120℃左右的情况下,出口气H2体积分数小于10×10-6。该催化剂具有净化度高、运转费用低和寿命长等特点,可广泛应用于合成尿素原料CO2气体中H2的深度脱除。
The development and commercial application of TH-1 dehydrogenation catalyst are described. Commercial application results showed that the catalyst can effectively remove hydrogen in carbon dioxide for urea synthesis and eliminate potential explosion risk of the tail gas from urea synthesis reactor. The catalyst has been in operation for 14 months at 120 ℃,with hydrogen content in treated gas below 10×10^(-6). The catalyst features high activity, low operation cost and long service life.
Industrial Catalysis