数理逻辑中的对偶定理在计算中已经有广泛的应用 ,笔者用对偶定理作为指导思想在三角证明题的构造 ,在条件等式的证明和三角化简求值中都有广泛的应用。可见对定理可以开拓研究领域 ,还可以使研究的三角题扩大一倍 ,更可以创造更多的三角题。
As pan of the symbolic logic, duality theorem has been widely applied in computing. Based on the theorem, this paper illustrates its extensive application in creating triangle problems to be proved, proving conditional equations as well as Simplifying and evaluating triangle problems. The authors of this paper argue that duality theorem can expand our field of research, double the amount of triangle problems under research and generate more triangle problems.
Mathematical Theory and Applications