变风量中央空调 (VAV)的控制系统是楼宇自控的重要组成部分。变风量空调系统具有多变量、多回路耦合的特点 ,当多个控制回路同时工作时 ,各回路之间的相互耦合和相互干扰严重影响变风量空调系统的性能。解除或减小多回路之间的耦合是极为关键和重要的 ,这也一直是VAV系统的难点问题。
The control system of VAV(variable air volume) air conditioning system is one of the most important parts of building automatic control. The VAV system features of multi-variable and coupling between multi-control loops. While multi control loops are working together, they interfere and influence each other, and influence the performance of VAV system. Decreasing or eliminating the coupling among the multi-loops is very important. This is also a difficult problem in VAV system. The state space model of 4 inputs and 4 outputs of VAV system is established in this paper. The controlled process is changed into diagonal matrix through state feedback decoupling technology, so that VAV system is decoupled.
Process Automation Instrumentation