为了补充已有的研究对于卫生总费用测算与分析的不足 ,本文使用校正向量自回归的建模框架 ,对中国卫生总费用占GDP的比例、个人付费比例和卫生费用占财政预算比例建立了非结构化模型 ,并且对三个比例的长期关系、因果关系和传导机制进行了分析 ,发现 :(1)三个比例在分析期内是协整的关系 ;(2)政府对于卫生预算的定位不明确 ,仅仅是作为被动的适应 ;个人付费部分是卫生费用比例不断提高的原因所在 ;(3)
As a supplement for the former research on Total Health Expenditure(THE),the authors established VEC models to analysis the proportion and transfer among THE,GDP and out-of-pocket.The data showed that the proportion of the parts were integrated,that health budget of the government was adjusted passively,and that the part of Out-of-pocket contributed to increasing health expenditure.Finally,the responses period and marginal effects of the increment were measured.